Colo-Majic Biodegradable Ostomy Pouch Liners, Regular, 100/bx


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Colo-Majic Flushable Ostomy Pouch Liners, Regular, 100/bx

Included in each box are:

  • 100 Colo-Majic Liners®

Important Information

  • HCPCS A4421
  • Colo-Majic Liners® are suitable for colostomy and ileostomy pouching systems
  • Regular - Fits flange/pouch opening diameters 1 3/4" to 2"

How to use Colo-Majic Liners®

Colo-Majic Liners® are easy to use. Their patented design features make inserting them into an empty pouch, removing and flushing very simple.

Helpful hint: always handle Colo-Majic Liners® with dry hands!

Preparing the Colo-Majic Liners® for use

If you’re concerned about gas build up, you will want to poke a few air holes into the shoulders on each side of the liner, outside the seals, below the narrow section of the liner. The seals are designed to allow air to pass upwards while preventing liquid from passing through the air holes. Using the pin provided, poke two or three holes on each side of the liner. You’re liner is now ready for use.

Helpful hint: You can create air holes in multiple liners together to save time. Simply stack the liners together like you would sheets of paper and poke through them.

Preparing your two piece ostomy pouching system for liner use

The ring seals that create the bond between the flange (or wafer) and the pouch, when new, can sometimes be stiff. After separating the ring seals several times, the rings tend to snap together with greater ease. To make snapping the ring seals together with the liner the first time easier, try adding a couple of very small drops of liquid hand soap in the groove of the ring seal on the pouch. You can use a Q-tip or a toothpick to work the drops around the entire circumference of the grooved ring seal.

Inserting the unused liner into the ostomy pouch

Step one: Squeeze the Colo-Majic Liner® and push it into the pouch opening

Helpful hint: to make this easier blow the pouch open with a little air prior to inserting the liner

Step two: Insert a couple of fingers into the Colo-Majic Liner® opening and evenly spread the liner inside the pouch

Helpful hint: you can also blow a little air into the liner to push it open inside the pouch

Step three: Spread the Colo-Majic Liner® opening around the pouch opening evenly and then seal the pouch to the flange ensuring about 1 inch of liner material is visible around the outside of the ring once seal is made

Helpful hint: always double check the ring is sealed properly between the pouch and the flange, especially when the flange is already applied to your skin 

Removing the used liner from the ostomy pouch

Step one: Remove the pouch from the flange

Helpful hint: When the flange is attached to your abdomen, use one hand to apply firm pressure to the flange when separating the pouch to prevent lifting the flange off your skin

Step two: Grasp the liner from the edge and pull it together to seal contents inside the liner

Step three: Gently pull the liner and its content out of the pouch opening, deposit it into a toilet and flush

Helpful hint: if you’re worried about spillage, simply overturn the pouch into a toilet and let the contents and liner fall out on their own

Helpful tips when using Colo-Majic Liners®

Making pin holes

It’s easy to make pin holes in the shoulders of the Colo-Majic Liners® with the pin provided to allow gas to escape. Once you receive your order from us, remove the liners from the packaging and poke  two or three pin holes into each liner shoulder on both sides of the liner. You can do this in stacks of 10 to 20 liners to speed up the process or you can poke holes into each liner as you prep them for use prior to inserting them into the ostomy pouch.

Change the liner often

It’s much easier to remove a liner when it isn’t overloaded. Depending on your output, you should change your liner several times each day to prevent over-filling. Colo-Majic Liners® are affordable, costing less than 25 cents each, so even if you’re changing them 4 times a day, you’ll rarely be spending more than $1.00. Keep in mind ostomy pouches can be very expensive, so using Colo-Majic Liners® can save you considerable money.

Ensure the pouch and wafer are clean before inserting a new liner

When you’re changing your Colo-Majic Liners®, make sure to wipe the flange and the ring seal of the pouch with toilet paper prior to inserting a new liner to ensure the process is clean.

Confirm the rings are sealed

Always double check to make sure the pouch and flange–you may call it a wafer–are properly sealed after changing your Colo-Majic Liners®. This is the only way to guarantee your system will be leak free. You’ll have to work your fingers around the ring and press firmly against your abdomen to ensure a solid seal is made. This process should not cause discomfort. If you’re experiencing discomfort, please consult your ostomy nurse specialist or doctor.

Removing the pouch from the flange

Always make sure you keep one hand firmly pressing the flange against your abdomen, as close to the ring seal as possible, when you remove the pouch from the flange while still intending to wear the flange. This reduces the risk that  breaking the seal will lift the flange from the skin.

When flushing

As long as there is something inside the Colo-Majic Liner® when you attempt to flush, it will go down the toilet very easily. If you attempt to flush an empty liner, there is a small chance air may become trapped inside, preventing a smooth flush. Before flushing an empty liner, add a small amount of water from the tap inside the liner to encourage an easy flush.

Be prepared

Make sure you pack along several ready-to-use Colo-Majic Liners® whenever you go out. Their small size allows you to tuck them inside a jacket pocket or purse pocket easily. When you order your Colo-Majic Liners®, make sure to order enough to keep a two month emergency supply on hand. We suggest you keep these in a sealed container near your families other emergency supplies.

Ostomy pouch options

Colo-Majic Liners® work well with the most popular two-piece systems from companies like ConvaTec, Hollister and Coloplast. Our liners work best with closed-end pouches because they support the bottom of the liners well. You can still use Colo-Majic Liners® with drainable pouch systems, but please be extra careful to prevent the liner from falling inside the tail end of the ostomy pouch when you separate the the pouch from the flange prior to removing the used liner. If the liner does fall into the tail end of a drainable pouch,  it can still be removed, however you will likely have to wash the inside of the pouch and let it dry before inserting a new Colo-Majic Liner®.

Using a closed-end pouch with Colo-Majic Liners® can open new fashion options for you as well. You may have preferred slim fitting outfits before your surgery and think that you no longer can wear those skinny jeans or fitted pants and dresses out of fear that the clips you wear with your drainable pouches will be visible. By using a closed end pouch and Colo-Majic Liners® you can eliminate the need for bulky clips and gain a new sense of freedom and potentially save money on your ostomy product costs as well.